Attract more new customers and increase the loyalty of existing ones by utilizing the option of toll-free calling to Russian numbers 8 800 / 8 804 from any phone within Russia, as well as national numbers from Turkey 0 850. Such numbers become more appealing to potential customers compared to local or mobile numbers.
You’ll effectively distribute the load across your offices, stores, and call centers by enabling users of Russian numbers 8 800 / 8 804 and Turkish number 0 850 to configure the percentage distribution of calls among various phone numbers associated with their offices, stores, and call centers. This capability allows them to regulate their workload accordingly.

You’ll be able to organize multiple advertising campaigns in different regions of the country for your clients using the numbers 8 800 / 8 804. By setting up “smart” call forwarding that automatically directs calls to offices in the region from which the client is calling, you’ll avoid the need to acquire multiple 8 800 / 8 804 numbers for running parallel campaigns in different regions, ultimately saving your budget.
All the provided phone numbers in Turkey are multi-channel. Each phone number offers no fewer than 10 lines, and there is a possibility to increase the number of lines. The activation of a number takes 1-5 business days.

All the provided phone numbers in Turkey are multi-channel. Each phone number offers no fewer than 10 lines, and there is a possibility to increase the number of lines. The activation of a number takes 1-5 business days.
Outgoing calls can be made using a free smartphone or computer application or by utilizing a SIP phone and other equipment for VoIP telephony. When using the smartphone application, it doesn’t matter where you are located; the key is to have stable access to the internet network.